Spokane Folklore Society  Fall Folk Festival Index
Our new special Festival webpage
at spokanefolkfestival.org

Follow this link to our festival photo archives

Spokane Folklore Society
P.O. Box 141
Spokane, WA 99210-0141  

Webmaster: Brad Sondahl
Email the webmaster with additions, corrections, and kind words

Welcome to our  2010 Fall Folk Festival Performers  from Sasquatch Room


Lavinia Ross

Kasia Haraldsen and Family

Western Reunion


Plaid Cat

Humphrey, Hartman, and Cameron

Nancy Davis

Wild Oats

Floating Crowbar

Jani Gilbert

Blue Ribbon Tea Company

Laddie Ray Melvin

Todd Milne et al

Frank and Maddie Delaney

Toasted Toads

Kosher Red Hots

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