2006 Fall Folk Festival performing musicians
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3 Nickel Down

Allen Surdez

Amy Bleu


Autoharps 2

Bluegrass Conspiracy

Big Red Barn

Blue Ribbon Tea Company

Brian MacLeod

Bruised Orange

Charlotte Thistle


Celtic Nots

Consort Bon Accord

Dance accompanists

Dan Maher

Dead Man's Pants

Don Kush

Don't Fret It

Dragon Wind

Engells Family Bluegrass

Next year...

Folk Remedy

Frank Delaney

Heidi Jantz and friend

Humphrey, Hartman & Cameron 

Jonathan Nicholson

Just Friends

Kasia Haroldson and kids

Kathy Colton and the Reluctants

Keeler, Melvin and Morse (in reverse order)

Kettle Creek Bluegrass


Verne Windham and Carlos Alden for  KPBX

Laddie Ray Melvin

Lavinia Ross

Lyle Morse

Jenny Edgren

Nancy Davis

Occasional String Band

Oiwa and Hunter.

Olinda Duo

Oompas and Mas

Prairie Flyer

Prima Noche

Pulehu Boys

Raging Grannies

Rainbow Fiddlers

Red Willows


Rick Ross

Ron Doyen


Silver strings

Silver, Strings, Wood

Slim Chance


Plaid Cat

Tim Platt

Toasted Toads

Wide River
Maybe you next year?


Email additional photos, comments,  or corrections to the webmaster/photographer, Brad Sondahl
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