Photos from the Spokane Folklore Society 9th Fall Folk Festival, 2004
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Photography and comments by SFS Webmaster Brad Sondahl

Ken Glastre hard at work, in charge of sound for the whole Festival

Kids Crafts


Leone Peterson and  Diane McHenry
Michaela Alden 

Nancy Davis

Niccole Bayley
Northwest Hula

Occasional String band

Prairie Flyer

Pulehu Boyz

River City Cloggers

Ron Doyen

Scottish Country Dance

Shape note singing

Silver Strings
Steve and Shelley Hines

Sylvia Gobel, FFF coordinator!

Tam Tam Mandinique

Thistle and Thyme
Toasted Toads

Volunteer Greeters

  Volunteers selling buttons

Wing and a Prayer closed out the concerts of the evening in fine form
I'm sorry for all the music and dancing I missed, both to experience and to photograph.  Maybe next year. 

Photos by Brad Sondahl

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Page updated Nov 04