Photos from the Spokane Folklore Society 9th Fall Folk Festival, 2004

(Click on the images to see the full size photos, use your back button to return to this page)
Photography and comments by SFS Webmaster Brad Sondahl



While Arvid fiddles around, Jesse  plays with what's really important.

The audience was great, attentive and encouraging.


The bakesale is always popular and raises funds to support the Festival

When Bluegrass Conspiracy noticed me photographing, Dave Wright stepped out in front of Bassist Kathy Murbach

So it serves him right that he's out of the best photo I got...

Big Wave Dave

Bondori Japanese Dance
Brian MacLeod

  Careleon Dancers


Music, crafts, kids, performance--the epitome of FFF
Basket making


Dan Maher
Dead Man's Pants
Desert Silk

Don't Fret It
Dust Devils
Salsa Dancing

Fiddle Kids

Frank Delaney

John Sours with the Lundin Brothers jamming.

Jonathan Nicholson

Kathy Colton Trio

Keeler, Melvin, and Morse

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Page updated Nov 04